Women's Gathering

Service Times

8:30am Traditional; 11:00am Contemporary; 9:45am Sunday School

Sisters in the Spirit Women's Gathering

Join us on Sunday, September 29, from 2-5pm for our Sisters in the Spirit Women's Gathering: Godly Women in Today's World. Our special speaker is Pastor Susan Mitchell with testimony speakers, Erin Horne and Leigh Anne Pope.

Register by September 8 to secure your spot! Registration fee is $20 per person and you pay by CLICKING HERE or by sending a check to the Holland's Church Office and list "Women's Gathering" in the memo line. This fee includes a goodie bag, light refreshments, and a contribution to the speaker. 

A love offering will be collected for the Women's Center. In lieu of a financial contribution, we are also collecting the items below:

  1. Paper Products (Bowls, Plates, Napkins)
  2. Gently used suitcases with wheels
  3. Individually wrapped snacks
  4. Bathroom Tissue

Location: Holland's Church - 9433 Ten-Ten Road, Raleigh, NC 27603